Flygirl vol 1

"My name is Minneapolis and I'm a flygirl. I'm a self-made woman, ran my own post service with my own two wings, and I'm bringing my unmatchable flying skills to space. I'm gonna take down the pirates of the trashmoons. I'm gonna be a hero."
But maybe the pirates are more than what Minneapolis thinks. And maybe the trashmoons hold secrets both dark and wonderful. Come see Minneapolis's challenges, failures, victories, and revelations -- and meet the fearsome and terrible leader of the pirates, the Captain.
Presented serially in the program notes of Undiscovered Countries, the first five issues of Flygirl have been collected here for the first time.
Trans girl space pirate opera, collected October 2018. 20pp 8x5", three-color risograph cover with two-color interiors on brown paper, saddle-stitched.
Read all of Flygirl here: